US Universities Speaker’s Tour March and April 2017
Leonie Hodkevitch undertook a Speaker’s Tour
to the topics ‘Social Justice Through Culture’
and ‘Global Projects’ with lectures
in George Mason University (Arlington, Virginia),
Winthrop University (Rock Hill, South Carolina),
Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana),
West New England University (Springfield, Massachusetts),
University of Massachusetts (Amherst, Massachusetts)
University of Vienna Certificate Course ‘Cultural Management’
Leonie Hodkevitch is the author and leader of the new international
cultural and social management course at the University of Vienna,
a compact and highly intense competence building and hands on program
with innovative curriculum such as ‘Living City’ and ‘Global Conversation’
Cultural Management CERTIFICATE COURSE
Audience Development Program 2016/2017
Our platform Clearly Culture conceptualized and leads a high profile
Audience Development Program consisting of an intense workshop,
a ‘Strategy Marathon; and the ‘Open House’
to empower the cultural workers in the Austrian region of Styria,
in collaboration with the Styrian Government.
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